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In China for China

The 200-year anniversary of Semperit was not only a reason for the Hoses team in Shanghai to take a journey through Semperit’s history, but also to reflect on the progress of the Chinese site, celebrate its successes and set the course for the future. The Semperit hose plant in Shanghai was put into operation in 2006, with only two customers at the beginning. Today, between seven and fourteen million meters of hoses are produced there every year – depending on the volatile market development.

In the world’s second-largest economy, Semperit pursues the strategy “in China for China”, as Michael Adelbauer, Director Operations of Semperit Industrial Applications, emphasized in his speech on site: “We are not in China to produce for export but for the local market.” Adelbauer attributes Semperit’s success in China not only to “the perfect processes and the high degree of standardization and harmonization”, which guarantee “consistently good quality”, but above all to the customer care of the sales team – or as it is called in Chinese: “GuanXi.”

“We are not in China to produce for export but for the local market.”

Michael Adelbauer, Director Operations, Semperit Industrial Applications


Michael Adelbauer, Director Operations, Semperit Industrial Applications
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Richa LI, General Manager, Semperflex Shanghai
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7 team members were recognised for their exceptional loyalty.
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Li SONG, Michael Adelbauer, Richa LI
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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
The Hoses team from Semperit in Shanghai.
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