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Semperit and the Vienna Stock Exchange: a success story

On the occasion of its 200th anniversary and over 130 years on the Vienna Stock Exchange, Semperit invited the financial community to a get-together on May 16, 2024. Numerous guests gathered in the Säulenhalle of the Vienna Stock Exchange to learn more about the history and future of the company under the motto "200 Years Semperit - Experience for Tomorrow". In his introductory statement, Semperit CEO Karl Haider explained which factors are important in order to survive for 200 years and to constantly reinvent oneself. His conclusion: "There is always a solution at Semperit. This spirit is a central part of our DNA and the perfect basis for continuing to grow profitably in the future."

Cord Prinzhorn, Semperit’s Chairman of the Supervisory Board, is also convinced that it is the human factor that makes a company successful for 200 years: "In such a long period of time, you need a tremendous ability to adapt. And you can only do that with an intelligent team that keeps coming up with innovations." Product agility is also the key success factor for remaining competitive in a rapidly changing future. This is exactly what CEO Karl Haider and his team are working on: "A company, like a skyscraper, must have a strong foundation in order to grow. And we have created a very good foundation with our new operating system in the form of the two divisions Industrial Applications and Engineered Applications. We are building on this and have the tireless ambition to further develop our products and solutions. We are starting the next 200 years of Semperit full of confidence."

At 134 years old, Semperit is one of the oldest shares on the Vienna Stock Exchange, which itself is celebrating its 253rd birthday this year. For Vienna Stock Exchange CEO and host Christoph Boschan, Semperit is a good example of how a stock exchange listing with its standards and governance keeps a company fit and ensures visibility: "We have a long shared success story, and I look forward to the next chapters together. I would like to congratulate Semperit on its milestone birthday."

“We are starting the next 200 years of Semperit full of confidence.”

Karl Haider, CEO Semperit


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